Realhack 3.0

24 hour Hackathon

Date : Jan-2022

Organizer : Software Engineering Students’ Association in collaboration with IEEE Student Branch of University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka

Venue : Online

Project : Next Bus

RealHack is an annual inter-university hackathon organized by the Software Engineering Students’ Association in collaboration with the IEEE Student Branch of the University of Kelaniya. This event is planned as a 16-hour product implementation hackathon where university students all over the country are eligible to apply for participation and among them the best 20 teams will be shortlisted for the hackathon.At FInal Event all teams had to develop a Bus seat ordering platform based on current location of the bus , current location of user , no of seats , destination, etc.

We team Cipher from University of Peradeniya selected to Final 15 teams out of 220+ teams representing all universities of Sri Lanka.


Amazing Team


